The game crashes when launching, but has a successful build with no errors for Quest 2

I’ve packaged the project in an apk, there was no errors; but when it launches on the quest 2 it just crashes. I can’t seem to figure out how to get around this. Help? QwQ

Stuff being used
Unreal Engine 4.26.2, Occulus Quest 2, NVPACK,
SDK Base: 26.1.1
Android Platform Tools 33.0.0
Android Build Tools 28.0.3
Android Support Library 23.2.1

Packaged Project for Android ASTC

Build Configuration: Shipping
Full Rebuild: True

Target Hardware: Mobile/Tablet
Share Material Shader Code: True
Shared Material Native Libraries: True

SDK API Level: matchndk
NDK API Level: android-21

Platform Android:
Minimum SDK: 23
Target SDK Version 28
Package game data inside .apk: True

Package For occulus Mobile Device:
Quest and Quest 2
Remove Oculus Signature Files from Distribution APK: True

same problem , did you find solution?

did you find a solution?

Might not be related, but I was having a similar issue using the httpblueprints plugin so disconnected my code using the requests and it worked :slight_smile:

Long shot but hope it helps if you are using it.