The game and Editor crashes with different errors

Hello, I have been encountering crashes one is happening completely randomly both in editor and in packaged game and I have no idea whats the reason.
The second one happens only in a packaged game when the player is around an certain area while an event is happening.
I tried reading and going through the logs and use my limited knowledge on debugging but I clearly need help with it.

CrashInEditorAndInGame.log (1.3 MB)
OnlyInGameCrash.log (301.2 KB)

Would really appreciate any help

Greetings @Algirion

Welcome to the Unreal Engine Community Forum. I pulled some info from other threads as this error seems to stem from a number of areas at times. The most recent post had a user who found a solution. Although, there appears to be several possible solutions listed there. Take a peek here Thread. I hope this is helpful!

After I upgraded to 5.4 the first crash which in my case was because of the local height fog component stopped occurring.
The second one I have tested on a Development packaged build and did not have the crash as well.
I will verify it on Shipping and update the post accordingly. Thank you for the reply!

You’re very welcome! Let me know if everything is good to go!

Okay so I don’t have any crashes anymore on shipping as well so whatever was causing them fixed itself after I moved the project to 5.4.