The Fortnite Discover Q&A

How does Discover work? How are islands selected? What metrics should I be focusing on?

These and other questions are answered in our updated blog, “Fortnite Discover: Your Questions Answered”. The Fortnite Discover Section: Your Questions Answered

We hope this information provides you with some insight into Discover and gives you a few ideas on areas to focus on for your islands.

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I have some feedback regarding this.

We aim to give every innovative island a chance to be found by players . Games are identified as innovative based on the content, Verse code, and devices used in novel ways on the island.

This suggests that UEFN maps are required to even get any chance to be featured, especially because of Verse. Verse code can be hard to learn for some (like me, like I need to pretty much copy paste all the code I find to do anything).
The only other way that I can do things is the devices we have available and using them in innovative ways.
But maps like those don’t get recognized, so there’s pretty much no point in the first place. I NEED to learn Verse to get any kind of recognition. All of the beginner tutorials are too hard, and they explain the important stuff so fast that I can’t even comprehend anything that would be useful.

We want islands to find the right audience for their content based on the following qualities:

  • Unique: Islands pushing the limits of UEFN and Creative tools.
  • Engaging: Games that players enjoy and stick around for.
  • Retentive: Experiences players want to return to.
  • Satisfying: How players rate your island after they’ve played it.

Unique - same as before. Pushing Creative tools to the limits isn’t good enough so that part might as well be deleted.
Engaging - Regardless of playtime, the maps still rotate out of discovery. I had over 400 people playing my map the other day and my map STILL rotated out of Discover.
Retentive - again, they rotate out of Discover so fast that people can’t even find maps, except the recently played tab which is like 9 rows down. Not helpful.
Satisfying - Rating a map is pretty poorly placed. People trying to leave a map are NOT going to think ‘oh i gotta like and favorite first,’ they’re just going to leave, giving terrible performance in this category. There is also no way to see how others have rated maps (with likes and dislikes, the second not being available).

Epic’s Picks is a row that showcases fun, innovative islands. We select unique islands that experiment with new gameplay, feature unique environments, or put a fresh twist on existing genres.

Do not EVER tell me this is true when this kind of content gets Epic’s Picks
Epic’s Picks is meant for really good content, but instead it just features the same old content that we’re used to.

We don’t favor new creators over existing ones

True and not true. True can be seen with Geerzy and Dux. Not true can be easily seen with creators that get trending out of nowhere with said map being the only one they published.

Keep an eye out for Callouts as we highlight great islands built in these various genres by you!

Please do more of these, but also be more specific. Things like how high the row is, how long it lasts, etc. are really important to know as a creator.
Honestly these are practically the only way to get any chance at Discover for smaller creators, other than being featured once a month for 2 minutes at most.