It happened to my for an unknown reason. Regenerating the VS files did not helped.
However a full clean/rebuild did the trick.
How did you edit it? I am getting a similar mesage.
-There is no “Modules” on my .uproject. This is the only text when I open the file:
“FileVersion”: 3,
“EngineAssociation”: “5.3”,
“Category”: “”,
“Description”: “”
-This is the message I am getting:
The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version:
Engine modules cannot be compiled at runtime. Please build through your IDE.
-I first got it on files that someone else send to me but now I am also getting it on a project that I created and had been working on. I try to open it today to keep working on it but I get that message and it wont open.
Any suggestions?
It worked!!!
Im 2 years late but im on 5.4 and just encountered same problem. Im a newbie and was hoping you could provide a step by step? Also, when you say “.uproject” do you mean My project Im working on or is .uproject a term for something else in unreal? Thank you in advance!!! Warm Regards, Beanz