Just install this (make sure all the boxes are checked), Open the project, Click “Yes” when the error appears and it will build and open the project editor.
Just wanted to throw this out there for Linux users - I had this same issue and wasn’t able to open any projects. I’d built from source on the 4.16.3 branch. When saying “OK” and trying to rebuild the library, i found this in the stdout output;
fatal error: file '/usr/include/linux/version.h' has been modified since the precompiled header '/home/<username>/projects/ue4/UnrealEngine/Engine/Intermediate/Build/Linux/B4D820EA/UE4Editor/Development/Engine/SharedPCH.Engine.h.gch' was built
note: please rebuild precompiled header
I had recently updated my linux kernel version, and this included the kernel source specified above (the /usr/include/linux/version.h). The solution was to rebuild the editor ( make configure; make ) and then try to reopen the project.
I had the same issue, except my engine built from source (4.22.3 master release, windows 10) did not show any error like that. So, I checked which windows 10 sdk versions I have on my machine, on “Add or Remove Programs”, and following the link above I downloaded the latest microsoft windows 10 sdk that I was missing, and now it seems to compile fine
Windows 7 and 10 are pretty similar when it comes to .dll files… So I’d just try the steps that I posted under the screenshot (If you are still having this issue a near year later… sorry)
Ich hatte das gleiche Problem, was ich jedoch einfach beheben konnte. Falls Sie an einem Blaupausen-Projekt arbeiten und eine C++ Datei erstellen wollten, versuchen Sie alle Dateien zu kopieren und in einem komplett leeren Projekt wieder einzufügen.