The following modules are missing or build with a different engine version: MyProject

So basically everything was working fine, i needed to add a blank c++ file to my blueprint project in order for a plugin to package out (advanced sessions plugin), after i created a blank c++ file it told me i needed to compile the project in order to see it. I restarted. Left with this thing


when clicking “nein” for no, nothing happens… when clicking “ja” for yes, it tries to rebuild but failes and tells me this


i found a log tho but all it tells me is that it is missing or built with a different engine version

also the beginning of the log also tells me about missing dlls not sure if this is the actual problem
the part where (i think) it stops is here

it just tells me “missing or built with different engine version” but how can Myproject be a “module” be in the first place, i thought my module they mean plugins. I dont get the whole thing, ive tried many things, also i just renamed it AFTER i couldnt get it to work. Also i tried generating visual studio project files, but i never did them so i doesnt let me redo them. Im clueless and helpless. i cant open my project and i fear everything is lost. Anything i can do about it?

verifying the engine didnt do anything, also still missing the dlls

so i managed to generate that visual studio file, when trying to compiling it, it tells me that it cant find the “ue4.exe” in “C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.20\Engine\Intermediate\Build\Unused” and yeah all whats in there is an empty textdocument. i guess to fix the problem i need to copy a ue4.exe in that folder but which one?

for some reason the project tried to launch as a “debuggame” instead of “gamedeveloper editor”. i just made a new project but copied the contents. works fine now. (if anybody else has this problem)