"The Flower of Fury" by ッWINDOWッ

Title: “The Flower of Fury”

Video URL: https://youtu.be/TS7szhWvwJU

Student Submission: No

Credits to sourced content: Various scene assets were sourced from Quixel Bridge such as the foliage, rocks, branches, flowers, vines etc. as well as the dirt texture. Other than that everything was made by me.

Screenshot of project in-editor:

Description: My take on this concept was to create a nature inspired creature that met the theme. I used ZBrush to model the character, Substance Painter for texturing, and Blender for rigging other than a few quick fixes with the additive control rig. Other than that I used Quixel Bridge assets for the foliage, rocks, branches, flowers, vines etc. as well as the dirt texture. I modelled the rest of the scene in Blender. I also even drew the alpha for the cracked glass. The mediocre sound design was done by me as well. Overall, this was a really enjoyable challenge and a very gratifying learning process!


Here’s some random process shots. From making the concept art, to modelling, to rigging an armature with over 200 bones. (I ended up going back after rigging the model with only a few petals shown below) and adding and rigging more petals and sepals to conceal the teeth more afterwards which was a lot of trouble :sweat_smile: but it helped conceal the teeth better which is what I was going for. (Also, the sounds/ audio used was all royalty free sound clips and music but as someone else mentioned it is all subject to change when I have more time to focus on proper sound design).


Hi! Just a heads up that your youtube link is private, so we’re not able to watch it

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I just fixed it sorry!

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Also, I just realized I accidentally applied as a student initially but meant to just apply for the UEFN section of the contest (I edited my initial post to change this and am not sure if this is allowed at this point).

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