The Final Ruins

Hi, this is my first unreal project always wanted to work on unreal but it seemed very difficult, however after 2 weeks of working on UE5" The Final Ruins" created. After a ton of GPU Crashed or D3D Device Removed error (still no resolution found). I have finally completed my project. I love Unreal 5 with its systems like no other “Lumen, Nanite, Megascans, Niagara” ill keep working on my skills everyday.
thank you to everyone on unreal team for this amazing software, and all the tutorials made on youtube by all the kind people.

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Greetings @Slothstyle4s1 !

Congratulations on the completion of your first UE project! :partying_face:

I am sure after the errors and crashes that you slept like a baby after your project was finally done! Kudos for remaining persistent and not giving up!

What was your inspiration for the ruins? Have you ever developed projects using other engines?

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Thanks a lot @Get_DOVAH_it. Honestly I had no reference or any inspiration as such, I just created a block out and was browsing bridge to see what I could create. Probably that’s the reason it took 2weeks :sweat_smile:. I have projects made in blender, nothing in game engine :heart:

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