Good afternoon, friends! I’m new to UE, and now I have an urgent question about choosing the version of UE that is the fastest for development. My PC is not new, but a year ago it received an upgrade: an SSD drive and thermal paste were added to increase its speed. The processor has not been replaced. Below I intend to give the characteristics of my PC in order to find out which version of UE will run the fastest on it. In my opinion, versions that were released before 4.7.5 are already outdated and useless for work, however, versions of UE 5 probably weigh too much - that’s my guess.
Please advise the UE version you are using and which one will be faster on a PC with the following parameters:
Processor AMD A4-7210 APU with AMD Radeon R3 Graphics 1.80 GHz
RAM 8.00 GB (Available: 6.91 GB)
System type 64-bit operating system, x64 processor.
You assumption is correct. Most of the features in Unreal Engine 5 are designed for next generation graphics, and will require a decent quality workstation. Your best bet is to download the latest version of Unreal Engine 4 (4.27.2) and hope for the best.
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