The Fab Interface vs the original Megascans is appalling


I assumed there would be a bit of transition period but seriously: Having been a long time Megascans user I see zero upside to the merger and all downsides. We went from one of the most efficient, logical and streamlined interfaces for content of any stock media platform anywhere, to now… There are worse ones granted (like ArtStation) but this one is right up there.

It used to be if you wanted a particular wood you had a whole tree easy to follow tree that you you opened up: Surface, Wood, then plank or veneer and so on. All of which stayed opened on the side panel you you were just hitting a blank “Search.” All of this is gone and makes any searches slow, not repeatable and frustrating to the point where I just leave the site.

I know I am not the only one…

Thanks for your feedback, @dbowker3d . I’ve shared it with the team.