The error when I install the pixel streaming components in the Powershell

First of all, I’m using UE5.0.3.
When I follow the tutorial in the UE5 document about Pixel streaming. I got some problems when I run the install.ps1.
The Problem is as follows:

In the other hand , PowerShell can’t find setup.ps1.

And then when I run the Signaling server:

After a long time ago:

The result of run the Get-ExecutionPolicy is as follows:

So How to install the server?

How to run install.ps1?

There’s node.js in the computer already before run the install.bat(Just without Chocolaty). Do I still need install node.js in the different path in the computer?

Do I need uninstall original node.js to run install.ps1 and then install node.js in the install.ps1?

Or UE5 is no longer support pixel-streaming? Because basically what I saw are UE4…

I came up with the same problem :frowning:
Have you solved it ?