The Environment Community Project (The Ocean Project)

I’m still around. Project isn’t dead, I spend most of my time on discord. Never really heard much from the mega grant.

And yes, the general plan is to integrate the new features. Plus some other things I have been working on.

So I’ve been working on porting the Topology project from unity to unreal for an “artistic” spin of using flow maps to create an effect that is similar to waves bending around the shore:

The new topology plugin can now do:
Loads height map from landscape during runtime without using editor modules, then smooths the height map if wanted and then creates:

Aspect Map:

Curvature Map:

Flow Map:

Landmass Type Map:

Normal Map:

Slope Map:

This also means that this would be a good base for dynamic landscapes during runtime…

Just wanted to say this ocean plugin is awesome. I love the features and settings.
Was a bit tricky to get it working on 4.26 (been following early versions), it would be great to have a simple fully compiled version.

Thank you!

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Would love to see your ocean settings. Looks really good, you could maybe push a commit to our git repo?

Hi, I’m sorry I’m not sure how to use Git repo, it was very difficult for me already to download the files… Also I have a lot of personal data on the project.
But heres some infos and my steeings:
I’m using a dynamic directional light, dynamic skylight with a custom HDRi.
The Hdri has been tweaked wotk remove landsacpe and mirror the clouds at the bottom.
The texture used in the skylight and reflection sphere is the fallowing:


I have planar reflection activated, I have kinda bluish post process and here’s my settings

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Most people do not contribute back to the project so thank you for taking the time to post this!