The Engine keeps to slow down my PC

Every time I press right-click or open some windows in UE5.0.3 the engine keeps slowing down my PC to the unusable performance. (the same thing applies to the opening left top menus) This problem makes the engine unusable.

any fixes for that?

What’s your machine spec?

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight-Core Processor
RAM: 64 GB
OS: Windows 11 Pro

That sounds pretty good. I can’t think of anything in particular…

Is this just in a vanilla level, or something complex you have made?

Mostly vanilla levels. Sometimes I add some primitives like the cube, and the problem begins to occur. It doesn’t matter if the raytracing is on or off

Sounds a bit tricky to troubleshoot…

It’s. For now, I’m using the Unity engine and seeing no problems. I’ve also checked this on my engine, as on some OpenGL/DirectX programs, and the problem didn’t occur. That saying, I suppose it’s a UE5 issue…

For sure, it’s a UE5 thing, but I don’t think it’s very common.

Do you get it in a new project?

Yes, in new and in old projects

Very hard to troubleshoot from a distance.

You can try swapping between game and ‘studio’ drivers for the GPU ( either way around ).

Turn off all config you’ve made in the GPU control panel, reset ( if any ).

Did you ever get this sorted? I have pretty much the same pc specs as you and cannot figure it out. It even happens with any 4 versions. Could it be a windows 11 issue?

Desperate for any solution.

I suppose I do. The problem mostly happened when I had multiple monitors.
For some reason, UE5 had some problem with the primary monitor, so I had to move the window to the secondary monitor, but I couldn’t figure out the main reason for this strange behaviour.

After some system/GPU/UE5 updates, the problem faded away.

same thing with me also , even the new blank project lag .it give only 6 to 7 fps
my pc specs is
i7 13700hx
rtx 4060 8gb vram
16 gb ddr5 ram

and one more thing in starting it run very smothly without any lag but today its totaly sucks