The engine constantly deletes all the external HLOD data

Hi there,

Recently I’ve been optimising our project by generating LODs. Our project is pretty hefty, open-world and made out of 50+ sublevels. I finished generating HLODs for all of the sublevels, and everything working perfectly. I close the engine, open it again and suddenly UE wants to save.

Upon saving, it deletes all the HLOD assets generated and starts complaining that those assets need regenerating, since it takes at least an hour to regenerate the whole project this is very unsustainable. It especially causes problems since we use Perforce for the team.

I want to know why UE wants to constantly delete the assets it has made since no change has been made to the project! And if there’s a solution to stop this.

Could it be happening because we have blueprints to generate fences along a spline on construction? Could UE be detecting that as a “change”?

Upon further investigation, I noticed the files do not exist in my explorer. Here’s how the same folder looks in engine vs windows:



This is really strange.

Update 3:

I noticed as I hop between levels, the HLOD folders slowly empty themselves. Could this be a Perforce issue? Any help is much appreciated :slight_smile: