The enemy stopped walking

Hi, this problem did not appear from where, the enemy does not move his legs when moving through the AiMoveto node when walking, I use the usual Abp_manny, tell me what could be the problem?


My assumption here is that you are referring to a non-player character, correct ?

Assuming yes, couple of questions for you:

  • Did you drop a Nav Mesh into your level and size it to the area of your level that you are expecting the NPC to move? A.I. will not work without this Nav Mesh.
  • If your issue is that the actual walking animation is not working, Did you check in your AnimGraph if you have the right “state” logic setup ? To be more specific, if you have different animations that you want your NPC to be using (walking, running, something else) this is accomplished by passing some sort of State variable into your Anim Blueprint. From there you can tell the AnimBP which animation to fire off.

Hopefully, I understood your question and was able to offer some sort of insight to your problem.

1)Yes, the non-player character moves, but the legs don’t move
2)AnimBluprint duplicate of ABP_Many