The editor is really crash happy, but never manages to restore anything

I’ve been using Unreal for, I think two years now, and never seen a professional software crash as much (and we do not use C++, where it might be understandeable).

(Before this, I used Unity for three years, and I can’t remember seeing it crash even once, although I’m sure it happens there too, but the difference is stark.)

But even worse than that, every time after a crash, the editor asks me if I want to restore prevously openend files, and although I frequently see auto save progress bars, it not once has managed to restore a single file for me in almost two years.

What am I missing here? Why is the editor so unstable (and please say “it’s a complex piece of software”, but I guess the only other answer is “new features are cooler to work on than stability”), but more importantly, why can it *never *restore my files?