The Dreaded None with A Widget

Ok Taking a Tutorial followed it exactly the same, BUT I am getting these messages saying "“Assessed None” though I Made all the References that should help it work. But it still is throwing up this error. Lost and would love for this to work, please let me know if you all know any methods of coding that can point me in the right direction. Thank you, for looking at this.

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I generally handle widget spawning and other UI stuff in the playercontroller. Right now there is no owning player assigned so it is probably failing to spawn the Widget.

It may work just passing it your playercontroller reference to the owning player input on the spawn widget node, but I recommend doing your UI management in the playercontroller.

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Thank you, it solved the Error problem. But it is still not having the Unit Images appear in the Selection Panel though :frowning: … Will try to deal with it, if I am still having issues will make a new post.