The description of inheritance of LearningAgentsTrainer in doc is different from that in the engine

I found that I cannot use GetOwner in my component blueprint which inherits from LearningAgentsTrainer.

I checked the website, and it says that LearningAgentsTrainer inherits from UActorComponent:

However, in engine version 5.4, it inherits directly from Object.


Is this a bug? It’s inconvenient not being able to use GetOwner.


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You should be able to call the following to get the manager just as conveniently:

	/** Gets the agent manager associated with this object. */
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "LearningAgents")
	ULearningAgentsManager* GetAgentManager() const;

Thanks for pointing out the docs are stale (showing 5.3 version). Unfortunately, the best I can do is notify the docs team.

Let me know if you need anything else!
