The datasmith plugin for rhino7 doesn't work on my computer, everything is ok but nothing appears on the program when I restart it.

I am trying to install the Datasmith plugin from Twinmotion to Rhino 7 for MacOs (Big Sur). When I descompress de zip, I execute de version por Rhino 7 and finally appears de window which says de installation is correct and I have to restart Rhino in order to see the new commands, but when I close it and open it again anything appears. Moreover, when I go to the preferences of rhino, the plugin doesn't appears in the list of plugins, so I don't know what to do.

Thank you so much,


Hello there and thank you for reaching out. Just to make sure, are you using the latest Datasmith plugin?

Can you also make sure that you completely quit the Application (rhino) (in the taskbar: right-click + quit) before re-starting Rhino?

If the issue is still there please use the "Contact us" button to report a bug and a support agent will contact you.

Thank you

Hello, yes I am using the latest version of Datasmith plugin from your website with the latest version of Twinmotion. When I execute it and appears the window which says the plug-in has been installed correctly, I completely close Rhino, but when I open it again nothing appears, so I will use "Contact us" to report a bug.

Thank you so much,
