The corridor...

**[FONT=Comic Sans MS]hi all…

ive just finnished my first project in CG…i used a lot of softwares but almost all the

work were done and render with UE4…it was a beautiful experience…what a wonderful engine really…


Welcome to the forums Cyberkho! Nice work on the video, you really nailed the atmosphere. =)

**[FONT=Comic Sans MS]thank you SE_JonF

it’s really motivating what you just said…you know im just a beginner and I try to make the most of this engine…for the atmosphere I just played with the fog and the post process did the rest…matinee is a very impressive tool and I have not explored everything…unfortunately icouldnt make my movie from it because it makes my engine crash…i had to use fraps…anyway if possible i want to hear some critics from the community in order to improve my future work…

thx to all in advance…and keep up the good work…**