The correct way to execute a shotgun blast

I am currently developing a single-player first-person shooter game. After reviewing a significant number of tutorials, I am still unsure about how to implement a bullet system effectively. Some tutorials suggest using line tracing, while others recommend using a projectile system or a physical object to simulate the impact of the bullet on the enemy.

Which approach would be more appropriate for my game? The player character will be using various shotguns, so I would like the bullet trace to have a visible effect and the fatal shot to push the enemy slightly.

Your advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

I am using latest version of UE only with blueprint system.

Hey there @candyschindler! Welcome to the community! In my opinion, it’s often much easier to work with traces as opposed to actual physical bullets due to a myriad of reasons including but not limited to:

  • Collisions being unreliable at poor framerates or high speeds
  • Physical effects on targets are easier to reliably handle with traces
  • Debugging has so many less variables when it comes to how they interact with other systems.

So if possible, I’d follow one of the many trace based gun tutorials unless your project needs projectile based bullets. Physical animation to react to the hits is also recommended as well, depending on project need.

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