The class definition range is invalid after adding new class

So i have class MyAICharacter that inherits from ACharacter and everything is ok.
Than i add MySecondAICharacter that inherits from MyAICharacter and the project stops compiling.
It looks like it stops recognize one of my Enums.
I get error “The class definition range is invalid. Most probably caused by previous parsing error.”

Error message:
1> C:/U4/MyProj/trunk/Build/MyProj/Source/Anc/MyAICharacter.h(52) : Unrecognized type ‘EMovementBlendSpace’ - type must be a UCLASS, USTRUCT or UENUM
1> The class definition range is invalid. Most probably caused by previous parsing error.

Anyone knows how to fix this problem?

I was getting this error because I was using the UPROPERTY() macro instead of the UFUNCTION() macro for my function (dumb copy paste error).

I assume you are just using the wrong macro above EMovementBlendSpace or something.