My game has two levels. Main menu and main level. After clicking the “New Game” button, the main level is loaded and the cinematic should be played. The problem is that the cinematic starts playing before the level has fully loaded. And after loading, the middle of the video is already on the screen. How can I make the cinematic start after loading the level?
I’m not an expert on this stuff.
You could try adding some kind of play input to start the cinematic. Like a “press space/other key to start” with some ambient music in the background or something. Depends on your aesthetic, obviously.
Also I think there’s a way to start loading the level before actually switching to it, so you might want to try making some kind of widget animation that blackfades while you’re loading the level in the background.
Not exactly sure how you’d do that last bit.
But that’s my two cents.
Thank you, if I don’t find other options, I’ll make a “click to continue” button. This isn’t a bad idea.