The characters are stuck in the ground.

We are a small French video game development team, and we are encountering a problem in the development of our game. I hope someone can help us!

For the past three days, all character classes are getting stuck upon their appearance (including the player character), and they are unable to move. The third-person camera is also getting stuck inside the character, as if an invisible volume is blocking all the characters. We have investigated the sky sphere and atmospheres, but so far, we have not found a solution to this problem. It’s worth noting that this issue occurs only in one level; the others are functioning well for now.

The problem occurs anywhere the characters spawn
And we have checked the collisions; we haven’t found anything so far

Here are some screenshots to better understand the problem.

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?

Thank you in advance!


Essayez de placer la capsule du personnage un peu plus haut que le sol (pas beaucoup, pour que les pieds soit au dessus du sol), normalement le personnage ne devrait pas se coincer.
Sinon, vérifiez et corrigez les collisions de l’environnement aux alentours.

We will try that!


Donnez nous des nouvelles si cela ne fonctionne pas. Merci.

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FR : Le problème à été trouvé ! Effectivement il s’agit bien d’une collision qui posait problème. Il s’agitssait de la sphere qui sert de paysage lointain, qui avait pris une collision, suite à une mise à jour, le problème est résolue, nous avons de nouveau enlevé les collision qui lui ont été attribué !
Merci pour votre aide !

Fisher_Island - Unreal Editor_4

Ang : The problem has been found! Indeed, it was a collision that was causing the issue. It was related to the sphere used for distant landscape, which had acquired a collision after an update. The problem is now resolved; we have removed the collision that was assigned to it again!

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Super, je suis content d’avoir pu vous aider.
Bonne chance.

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