To get things started, it’s a bit hard to tell what is going wrong with what you have provided. Would you mind sharing your blueprints/code? Especially those related to the player death.
Any additional specifics and information you can provide will be a big help in solving your problem!
So where do your parameters reset? Do you have a place where you set Isdead to false? How are you intending to reenable movement? I highly suggest using SetMovementNode like in this thread:
I hope the above points you in the right direction!
It’s okay, you don’t have to know everything, this is just based on what you have already done in your blueprints. What part are you struggling understanding? Specifics will help narrow down what needs to be explained better. Here is an image that helps make clear what was being referred to in the previous post.
After going through your blueprints, when you die, you disable all movement using the DisableMovement node. If your character is persistent, it never gets that movement back because it doesn’t just reset.
When your level restarts you can re-enable the movement of your character with the SetMovementMode node. You can find more information on that node here:
I hope the above points you in the right direction.
Hello, sorry for bothering you so much, I just don’t know where to put setmovementmode, I tried in several places to replace disable mode with set movement mode and nothing !
You would not be replacing Disable, you would be adding set movement mode. So, for example, you would set the movement back to true after you switch to UI only (if you even need to disable movement before going to UI only), or right when you start your level. Could you share how in your blueprints you have been trying to implement this?
Also, you are removing your movement and disabling movement to your character by using set input to UI only, do you need to do both? Does it work if you remove disable movement? If so, you can just set up your input mode instead. Here is a non-Epic affiliated video on how to do so:
I hope the above points you in the direction you are looking for!
As you can see i have added a “Set Input Mode Game Only” at the end. I think somewhere in the UI Panel we set the input mode to UI only and we dont switch it back upon retrying.
Hope this helps!
Did you ever add anything else to the Zombie Game after finishing the tutorial?