The car is not running. Turns and brakes work. GetEngineRotationSpeed equals zero...

If the pawn of the car is made by default at startup, then everything works. If the default is to start from another pawn, then I cannot drive when I get into the car. Important - I always leave the player’s pawn active. With the default off-road car, my code works correctly, but with the added car, it doesn’t. What could be? Wheels, brakes work, only the engine does not work …

The default off-road car, after adjustments in the blueprints, is controlled and drives correctly. My imported car with the same settings does not drive. But at the same time, the turning of the wheels, the handbrake and the brakes work. As a debugger, I brought the throttle variable to the screen - everything is fine here, the value changes from 0 to 1 when I press the button. After that, I brought out the variable “vehicle rotation”, and here is the difference in cars - if the default car has 1200 (idle) and increases if you press throttle, then my car always has 0 (the engine does not spin at all)

Решение - я вытащил на уровень не пешку, а меш…