The camera on the computer screen moves smoothly while vr is running

In UE, when the VR mode is running, the Angle of view of the window of the computer side screen also rotates with the rotation of the VR character (when the helmet is rotating), but the speed is too fast. Can you slow down the Angle of view of the window of the computer side screen to smoothly move to the Angle of view of the VR character
(在UE中,VR模式运行时,当人物(头盔旋转时)电脑端屏幕的窗口的视角也随VR人物的旋转而旋转,但是它的速度太快,能不能减缓一点 让电脑端屏幕的窗口的视角平滑的移动到VR人物的视角上)