me and my team are making a game similar to gala but horizontal but when we move the character up the camera goes out of the level and if it goes down it does the same.
how do we keep the camera centralize on the level?
this is when it goes down
this is when it goes up
the character is the white fish
we put a camera event but still no luck
also the warning:texture streaming pool over appears on my computer but on my team mate computer doesnt
how can we fix this?
game similar to galaga but horizontal sorry for misspelling
To fix your streaming pool warning you can use “r.Streaming.PoolSize 1000” or set to a value until the error message stops showing.
If your camera doesn’t need to utilise much of the spring arm functionality (and a lot of it is best used in 3D games), you could opt to detach your camera component from your player and manually SetWorldLocation for the camera, on tick, using X as the location of of the player, Y and Z as the location of the camera.
If you want the camera to also follow the character upward, but not to a point where it will see outside of the level, you can use the character’s height value, and clamp it, (or map to range clamped) to whatever limits look good for your game, and use this as the height value for the SetWorldLocation.