The brand new developer philosophy

What’s the point of debate, are you guys promoting a book or somth?

Nope shop talk over beer an pizza. :wink:

For years “insider” info has been muffled by possible NDA conflicts and work for hire contracts that does not apply in an Indie environment.

I for one appreciate a different perspective even if I don’t necessarily agree with it.

is another area controlled by the man. :smiley:

Worst advice ever. If everyone would stay exactly where they are (they won’t try to be bigger than they are), we are would sitting in caves, and throwing stones at each other.

Who knows. Maybe that would be better.

The only thing that makes difference between people, is that some of them have patience, conviction and determination, to be bigger than they are and they succeed at it, while other give up after X failures and get back to their safe mundane lives.

The proper advice should be. If you failed, make few steps back, analyse what have you been doing, find mistakes, repeat the process without making mistakes.
If you fail again, do the same thing. Repeat until you achieve your goal.

Wait, who here claimed they wanted to make a next GTA, Skyrim, or COD? I do not think most people here are even talking about AAA game, let alone the ones you mentioned. Do you have actual examples to quote or just pull it out of thin air?

Also the 99% of people will fail, did you have any data to support or just pull out of thin air?

I am an experience automotive developer, yet I do not go around telling people my experience is a representation of the industry at large.
If people want my advice, I can tell them what could work, base on my experience, but I never go as far as telling others, that if they do not follow my advice, you are doing it wrong, or bound to fail.

Sorry, maybe you meant well, but its hard to take your advice seriously when you make blanket sentences without any things to back up or claim to ‘Seen it all!’

You claimed to work as studio manager or project lead with projects that fail, maybe you are part of the problem? Since you claimed to know why they fail, then what were you actually doing there, & not rectify the problem? So we should take advice from a specialist in failure?

Now you telling us we are not reading between the lines? Wow you have wrote such deep sentences that we need to read between the lines to understand what your main point is.

Wait, you also resorted to name calling, call people stupid. Classy, guess that tell us about you…

I do not think anyone here missed your very deep, need to read between the line advices. My advice to you, stop posting on thread.

May wanna read before you delve deeper into discussion with him as some things seem a bit shady at point. I’m not jumping to conclusions but some clarification is needed:

Thanks for the link. LOL.

When I was reading his posts my forum-sense was tingling… now I know it wasn’t for nothing.

BIO-HAZARD, Jordan, the worst you can do when you try to join a community is to lie. Don’t do that, no-one cares here if you spent 15 years in the industry or 1 and got fired, but what your real talent and motivation is.

You clearly projected (and big time) your own failures and bitterness about your experience in the game industry and started to spread your misery to others telling them that they will fail too. You are not allowed to do that. I only hope no-one based their first steps in game development in the “wisdom” you shared with them.

The funny thing about , is you guys dont give up. Stop giving in to it, stop respond cause your just as guilty if you keep dragging it on. You don’t know guy and he doesnt know us, so how about we all put on our adult panties and drop the ****. Cause thread turned from info to an argument.

Just my 2c on thread.

Our studio comprises of former team members at ND. After the layoffs in Feb 2014, some of us pooled money, the senior lead artists, lead developers, lead concept artists to form our own company doing Indy work.

BIO-hazard talks all nonsense. His ZIP code is almost 12 hours away from ND Inc, which makes commuting to the office a long shot. If you were staying near by, or rented a place near ND, Inc., yeah, maybe he has some credibility.

Since there were mass layoffs, Jordan, being the HR manager there - ******* at Indy developers and artists isn’t a good idea. That’s like telling future job applicants that working for titles like Unchartered 4, there’s a culture of disparagement and disrespect. I wonder what the Arts Director Eric P. at Naughty Dog will think about HR manager saying such disparaging statements?

I asked about a Jordan with the other guys and gals here. There’s Christian, Bien, Jackie, Ronald, Sally… and they don’t know any Jordan during their time there.

Next, being a level designer, I had a discussion with John R. one of the laid-off level designers. That time he did the level design, it went into hundreds of pages, lots of details so the concept artists could work quickly and get the concepts out fast to the 3d modellers. I don’t see that kind of detail in the project Jordan posted.

I would disagree on the problem about not being AAA. The tools are available for purchase. They are not as expensive as they were a few years ago, when Epic was charing hundreds of thousands for Unreal or UDK license. Same for the AI tools, modelling tools. We’re using the same stuff as before we were laid-off, what’s the difference?

Oh, and by the way, by now, Jordan would have his own private stash of artwork and coding stuff he may have done. I even offered him a job since we’re trying to get back the team we were back then. Jordan refused to reply.

I commend you for the investigation, but what is it doing for you? Did it help your project become more successful? No, so the more we keep adding to the posts the more we are going to keep hearing stuff. Drop the subject and someone please lock all the BIO-HAZARD threads.

That’s a bit odd. Don’t you guys know who was on that team? Can I just claim I was on there and get a job? :smiley:

Because he won’t be back now that you created a new profile, right?? Your new recruitment post is worded better, but after yesterday it is still no more convincing than your original horror game. Show us some of your work! It is that simple. You must have created some levels at school (Full Sail?), or in your storied past right?

what the **** are you talking about?

Don’t even bother trying to argue, these guys are all idiots. No wonder they don’t work in the industry

I think we can all agree that thread isn’t making any sense anymore. If there are any double accounts or scam artists, they will be taken care of by Mods and Admins.

Closing the thread.