**Project Louisiana **(working title) is a VR horror experience we are building with Unreal Engine. You play the role of a father looking for his missing daughter. The scene takes place in a louisiana mansion.
We are in the early alpha stage and we are trying different ideas for the riddles. The game will be a VR point n click.
For now here are some early footage and a few screenshots of the first two rooms.
We are texturing, right now. All PBR maps, billboards to reduce drawcalls. We have a lot of modular assets to build the architecture and decoration, and a few unique assets (as the wood globe).
More polish on the texturing even if some assets are not yet mapped. The lighting is a step forward, I’ll just boost light map resolution during performance tests.
The team is “3 and half” (LOL) or 5 persons right now.
I am the director of the project, and I manage all the visuals and UE4 integration (assets, scenery, lights, materials, etc…). One trainee is helping me for the modeling. One prog is working on the blueprints and 2 friends are providing the writing. We are about 70 days in production right now (no one is full time, so it’s not 70 straight days…).
The gameplay is still work in progress but it’s going on too. Geraud (prog) works with us since the end of May. We have the item picking system working (still a bit rough, but it works), the programmer is working on the refine systems (show model in the inventory, rotating and observing it to pick some clues). Puzzles are done on the paper, we’ll have to test them ingame.
The goal is to provide 3 levels for the demo. Controller gameplay and VR gameplay (with some differents puzzles). We have a deadline, but we’ll annonce it in time. There’s still a ton of work to do.
We are glad to show you the first minutes of the early demo, played as for the playtest. We are working on adjusting a few things, but the game seems to do great and the feedbacks are very positive…
Since it is a narrative / puzzle driven game, we don’t want to spoil you too much…
All is work in progress.
The definitive demo (2 full levels, 1 epilogue) will be available this fall on itch.io .
First news about the project on a french videogame site!
As always feel free to follow us on facebook or on twitter. The amount of work is HUGE for our micro team, but that kind of support is pushing us to keep going!
Looks intriguing! I’m in love with the art style! It doesn’t distract and provokes a spooky atmosphere. I like the simple UI design, although I must say I’m not a huge fan of the blue dot, but that’s just personal preference and its color does stick out. The game does look really dark in some areas, making it hard to see anything, although that might just be due to YouTube’s compression. The writing I cannot critique because I can’t speak French
I also like the subtle sound design, the quiet ambient music emphasizes the atmosphere. Also the load sound the door lock makes when you get the code wrong breaks the silence in an uncomfortable way, making you wish you got the code right.
So far, I really like where the project is heading and if I get the chance to playtest a later build, I gladly will!
Everybody is working really hard to improve every aspect of the game. Lately, Géraud was programming all the first level, there is no more left to do. In the same time i made various tests with the physic system. A lot of fun, a lot of ideas, integrating this to the LD was so thrilled!
I remade some of the lighting systme, rebalance colors, reworked fake GI. Help setting the mood.
I’ll be back very soon for some updated gameplay trailer.