The Blueprint Editor window needs a "hide, hide others" option for quick editing and viewing.

The blueprint editor becomes increasingly difficult to manage with many overlapping components. In Blender and Maya you have a Local view, or a quick shortcut you can hit that shows only the object(s) you have selected. This helps for quick fine tuning as you can hit that shortcut again to reveal all your components/objects again.

This is way more intuitive and easier to use than going through every component and turning on and off Visible.

Any ideas how we could achieve this in Unreal?

As far as I know, there isn’t.
Aim to hide as much as possible in general- I’m not sure what that massive red cylinder is and why there are multiple hand models, but you may want to make it invisible and then set it visible at runtime.
As well as that, try to have the components in reasonable places. Maybe you can space out the components so that they aren’t overlapping. Components rarely need to start at 0,0,0.

But on the bright side, you can select multiple components at once using Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click.
Depending on how many components you want to hide, it may be faster to Ctrl+A and Ctrl+Click to unselect the ones you don’t want selected.