The base FBX material is always white, is this fixable in blender? ?

When importing an fbx file from blender to unreal engine the base material is always changed to white, the other materials are fine. In this case the base material in blender is bright green but gets changed to white.

Is this how UE5 works or is it my fault?

By the way, I know you can just change the material to whatever you want inside UE5 editor no problem but that’s not the point. I want to know if I did something wrong because this happens every time I do it.

Hi there, it is indeed white because Ue5 and blender cant really communicate about their materials using FBX, so you ll have to use another exporting format, or begin to bake your materials as textures in blender , export those separately from the model, then import both the fbx model and the texture into unreal, then combine both by opening the material assigned to the model, meaning you create the material inside unreal.

Here s a reddit post about the same issue, maybe its you that posted on reddit ^^ :slightly_smiling_face:

Yep that’s my thread. UE5 has compatibility with base colour changes, I don’t know where the idea that it can’t got perpetuated but it’s in the documentation. The issue I’m having is only one of the materials isn’t translating over, the default material to be precise. I deleted it and added a new one and now it seems to work. I’m disappointed in the majority of that reddit thread struggling so bad with reading comprehension. I said 100x over it was only an issue with 1 material the other materials were fine, :rofl: you can even see that in the pictures I posted on here.