The Awakening | Proof of Concept


This was a test to see, if as a new user, if I could create a compelling short piece using only an actor’s voice, a Metahuman, modified “canned” motions, some custom clothes I made in MD and custom/ kit-bashed environment assets. Although there’s a lot of room for technical improvement and as my UE skills get better, I am encouraged enough by this result to take it to step two, which will be a multi-character fact based piece set in this 19th century world. Hopefully my assessment is accurate. :thinking:

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Hi there @rendermetl1,

Welcome in to the Unreal Engine forums. So nice to see a new face around here :slight_smile:

Just wanted to pop in and say the link doesn’t seem to be working for me. It may be an issue on my end but just wanted to give a heads up in case :slight_smile:

Hi there @PresumptivePanda
Thanks for the heads up regarding the link. It should work now.

Oh awesome! After getting the chance to watch it, I have three main takeaways. First, the animation was incredibly charming. Second, the voice acting was amazing and really engaging. Third but most notably, the story telling was phenomenal. I just wanted to learn more :slight_smile:

Hope we get to see more of your art around here!