There is a user device (right_coord_4_switch), when placing it, we can specify a sequence of numbers (in the form of an array):
We place several such devices on the map and indicate different sequences of numbers:
Also, there is a device (switch_code) in which we can specify previous devices with a sequence of numbers:
The code assumes that when interacting with the button, the switch_code device will bypass all connected right_coord_4_switch devices using a for loop and receive a sequence of numbers from all these devices (I attach the code for both devices).
However, when running the game and testing, we see that the device right_coord_4_switch with index 0 is empty. In this case, all other devices (with index 1, 2… etc.) are detected correctly:
When uefn is restarted in the switch_code device, the element at index 0 is always empty:
Tried simpler combinations of custom devices, this situation always happens. With native fortnite devices, this problem does not occur.
In this regard, the question is - perhaps I incorrectly specified the right_coord_4_switch device class, or are there other errors in the code?
Help to understand, please!
Code for right_coord_4_switch :
using { / }
using { / }
right_coord_4_switch<public> := class<final>(creative_device):
Codes<public>:[]int = array{}
Code for switch_code:
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
switch_code := class(creative_device):
Switchs : []switch_device = array{switch_device{}}
RightCodes:[]right_coord_4_switch = array{right_coord_4_switch{}}
CheckCoordButton: button_device = button_device{}
CheckSwitch(MyAgent : agent) : void =
for(RightCode : RightCodes):
Print("code count in device:" + ToString(RightCode.Codes.Length))
Print("Number: " + ToString(Code))
Print("device count: " + ToString(RightCodes.Length))