I’m running 1.4.1 and I’m trying to reproject my texture but I’m getting this error. “The application has run out of memory. An input model part requires 123gb of memory for reprojection due to a large number of triangles and/or textures. Please partition the model into smaller parts.” My system has 128GB of RAM. I know the system needs some, but is their any way it can use a temp cache 4TB drive to get the “memory” instead? Is their a fix?
Original Model parts 161 - 275M triangles
Reprojecting to Model parts 57 - 69M triangles
Hello @jmecobb1
This is quite unusual error.
What are your reprojection settings?
Do you have set the cache folder properly?
How many textures do have your original model? What were the texture settings used?
Hi, thank you for your response. My reprojection settings are the same as the CyArk video shows how to reproject. The texture was for reprojection was set to 8. All of the other settings are default. How do I set the cache to a different folder? Will it then NOT run out of memory?
Hi, is your smaller model already unwrapped?
What exactly do you mean by this: The texture was for reprojection was set to 8. ?
Regarding to cache settings: RealityCapture Help
What is the size of original texture you want to reproject?
Have you tried also the application reset?