The animation AI not turn into idle after complete the task in behavior

So, I follow this tutorial and it turns out alright but there a problem,

  • when the task in the behavior tree is complete it’s not repeated again in the ‘Attack’ section

  • only stuck in the first section

  • Second is when after the attack animation (the punch) it didn’t go to idle just do the pose punch.

There also have the same problem as mine in the comment section but there is no solution.
Below the problem is.

Hi there,
Given that you’re using behavior tree, make sure your custom tasks end with “Finish execute” set to true.

Thank you for your comment and I noticed some I didn’t check the success box in Finish Execute.
When I tried back, hoping not to get the same result but unfortunately I got the same result. :sweat_smile:

Below is after the animation is finished, it is stuck in pose position (no I not putting any pose in the character AI blueprint)