The android issue:

As usual, google decided to integrate something new breaking everything in the process...

Just received the requirement to update my project to a new billing API(to 7) and SDK(to 34) if you have problems, like I had, here is how I fixed everything(at least there are no errors during the upload to google play):

I am using UE5.1 for my project, target SDK change is still should be performed in the manifest file (look how it is done here) I recommend setting target Target SDK Version to 35

And for the billing info:
I edited the file OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay_UPL.xml it is in the folder UE_5.1\Engine\Plugins\Online\Android\OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay\Source there I changed line to (actually don’t think this helped but changed for good measure)

In the manifest file from Target SDK change I have added the line (I believe this is what helped)

Hi. So your ManifestRequirementsOverride.txt file looks something like this right?

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="26" android:targetSdkVersion="35" />

I also have a weird issue where it crashes on playing the game giving a FATAL EXCEPTION: main. Would you know anything regarding this?

Looks like adding ManifestRequirementsOverride.txt is causing the crash. But changing the target sdk in the normal project settings doesn’t allow the app to open. Quite a conundrum.

I guess the only true way to work with such problems is to transfer the game to a recent engine version.