The Actor Spawned By Child Actor Component cannot be selected in the Outliner.

Engine Version: 5.0.3-0+++UE5+Release-5.0
Well, I attach bp actor to another bp actor by UChildActorComponent.When I click my child bp actor in editor outliner window, it doesn’t work and just likes I click on my parent bp actor.Based on the above, I can’t editor my child actor in level.


  1. Open any project
  2. Create a new Actor Blueprint
  3. Add a Static Mesh Component
  4. Assign a Static Mesh
  5. Create another new Actor Blueprint
  6. Add a Scene Component
  7. Add a Child Actor Component
  8. Assign the BP created in step one as the Child Actor Class
  9. Select the Scene Component
  10. In the Editor’s Outliner Viewport, select the Child Actor.

This question is like Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-16688) says.
I would appreciate any help.