The actor in my environment moves along the wrong axis

I am trying to run the airsim drone inside an unreal engine environment.After placing the actor start position on a custom environment for my drone and rotating the drone towards the way I want it to face, the orientation is all messed up during my runs. The drone moves towards the global coordinates of the environment and not the local ones I am setting. Is there any way to preset the axis and orientation of the actor? I moved the pivot and rotated the actor making the axis and the orientation aligned inside unreal engine, saved and packaged the project but after I run my scripts it still moves towards the global axis of the custom environment. The picture shows the axis and rotation before and after the alignment, thank you in advance for any kind of help!

You can just rotate only the local mesh in your DroneBP or rotate it from your 3d modelling software(blender, 3ds max etc…).

What if I dont have acess to the drone? Is there a way to “rotate the world” in a sense? And change the coordinate system? The enviornment is a free environment from marketplace.

The drone will always move forward (W) in that direction in the image.

What you can do is modifing your input values:

Try to play around these 2 values either by multiply by -1 or switching betw them depending on which direction you want your drone to move.

Then in your DroneBP, you can locally rotate your mesh drone to move in the direction you just set up.