Just wanted to thank @ChanceIvey, you made this community a perfect place!
شكرا From the Arabian part of me
谢谢 From the Chinese part of me
Whenever I get lost in forums, want something or looking for something; I defiantly find a post or comment that you already mentioned what I’m looking for!
And to prove that you are really taking amazing care of the forums, you will hit a reply here very soon
Of course I would like to thank all the people at Epic for their AWESOME work; but a bit more
Yes, all and while that maybe true here, if you go to the gmc.yoyogames.com forums and forums.yoyogames.com you will find he is a nasty hated moderator that will snap at you and ban you or warn you over the slightest 0.01% of a mistake, he is also not very forgiving, but here on this i am willing to give him a second “” if you will parden that pun there so hopefully we can start a fresh and forget our past and just move on those old days are practically what, i dont know 10 to 12 years in the past now, that for a online community anywhere is practically almost prehistoric.
I agree on the forums too, Epic are very open and allow people to be as expressive as they want (within sanity ofc) on the forums. That’s a very rare thing for a company to do, I guess it helps if you have a good product to go with it!
All staff that actually take the time to post on forums and interact with the community are great person that truly care about what they do and doing it well
I still wait to see an Epic’s employee bashing over someone around here ** cough ** (common thing some like me are used to see on forums from that other company) ** cough **
I wonder how it’s going to be when this community grows gigantic like that as well
So apparently that is 's twin and not at all. He’s only ever used the program once. Also, that guy is still active on those forums and our is so busy you will only see him post on here.
Does he wear paisley instead of plaid and also have a goatee perhaps? Just joking. Seriously though, that is a totally different person on the game maker forums.
Oh wow,:o I’m just here to see cool things, y’know, so thanks for delivering! ::sips coffee::
In all seriousness - we’ve got a really great crew to credit for making the UE community such a wonderful place. I’m very fortunate to get to work with Dana, and the support team, and most importantly - you all. A great community starts with great people within it, I’m just lucky to get to hang with the bunch of you.