🌹 Thank You for UE5!

for us noobs, how do you use collections effectively?

I know some people found this already, but apparently you can invert the mouse like this :slight_smile:

BTW we really need a new Unreal single player or Unreal Tournament game using the new UE5 !!!

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that’s what my first game is going to be, a simple crappy fps/tps :sweat_smile:

Merci beaucoup, this is a true revolution tips hat

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Came to the party for Lumen, Nanite, and World Partition. Stayed for MetaSounds.

With all that, plus Chaos and Niagara, UE5 is full of systems for data driven dynamic interactive tomfoolery. A lot more exciting than one usually gets for the new version of a 20+ year old product.

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Thank you epic for the wonderful opportunity, with UE5. You guys rock, as always…


Using Collections

  1. You can create a new local collection and give it any name.

  2. Right click to change the color of the icon

  3. You can then click-drag any asset from any folder into this colleciton

  4. Now, you can access this custom grouping of assets at any time by clicking on the collection, which personally saves ma lot of time and allows me to “switch project tasks” in large projects because my different collections group the different assets I have arranged for my different project tasks

Thank You again Epic!



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You Rock Epic!

:heart: We Love You, Epic Devs! :heart:



Same here. This release is a awesome sandwich… Thank you epic!
:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:

Each time I see a post from Rama, I realize that world is much kinder and brighter place than I thought. Thank you Rama~ :heart: :slight_smile:

UE5 is a big paradigm shift for real-time CG. TA’s and Devs here a hard at work to come up with better pipelines, workflow and tools that can utilize new possibilities that are coming in the new engine version. Everyone is excited!

Thank you Epic Games~


That’s one of my goals in life!

To give voice to all of us who enjoy being happy, which last time I checked is way more people than you might think!

I hope to make :rose: Kindness :rose: the New Fad / Style / Way To Be.



is it to work with sunglasses? :sunglasses:

Just hobby pic i made with Quixel stuff… for fun and some older person 70+ wanted that i print this to her to remind King Arthur like stories, she gave me lot of homemade compotes. Thank you dear EPIC, i promote Unreal in future everywhere i can and even try to spread Unreal in future to schools near areas.

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I only just started learning Unreal a month ago, and as a 3D illustrator who usually waits hours for renders of animations, and for all those frustrating waiting times to see my designs update when I make changes, Unreal 5 is absolutely amazing! I can be so much more creative in real-time, and Lumen and Nanite now mean I could do all my production-ready illustration work instantly and produce so much more creative ideas and animations!


Playing with preety in UE5 and waiting for script to be released. This new unreal looks really great.

Wow this is beautiful, great work!

Thank you Epic for enabling us to create Beauty!

Whooooaaa, that is definitely Art right there, inspiring, simple, and complex, all at the same time :slight_smile:



The Epic are making something so great, so it could make my dreams come true. Thank you EG! And so many thanks to the awesome community!

Love the new UE5 Ui and I think the Content Drawer is a neat trick…
Thank you Epic!!!

Yes, Our :rose: Epic Developer Friends :rose: are dedicated experts toward making our Dreams Come True!



Yes the UI in UE5 in great fun!

:zap: :zap: :zap: :sparkling_heart: I also love how fast C++ plugins compile in UE5! :sparkling_heart::zap: :zap: :zap:

A plugin-based project, for re-usability, out-sourcing specific features, and ease of concurrent C++ developers who are working on different aspects of game, is soooo nice!

:rose: :tulip: :sparkling_heart: Thank You for UE5 Epic! :sparkling_heart: :tulip: :rose:

