Thank You Epic, for Elemental Demo

Dear Epic,

I dont know how else to say this better, sooo

Thank you

Thank you
Thank you

Thank you

Thank you

Thank you

Thank you
Thank you

Thank you

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you

Thank you

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you

For the Elemental Demo and permission to use the particle systems in my own game!

Ooooh thank you!

Watching the Elemental Demo on my own computer at highest resolution was such a beautiful experience for me!

Thank you Epic!



I want to hijack your thread and thank for the Math Hall addition to Content Examples. :slight_smile: It is such a useful thing to have yet not many people are aware of it’s existence yet. Should advertise it more!

Huh I still havent downloaded that demo yet. Will give it a go I guess. Just need to clear more room on this hard drive…

Rama, how many fps do you get on the demo?
What are your system specs?

You’re welcome. I was asked to write a blog post about it but it might be a few days before I get around to it. You are right, we need to promote it more.

I ran the demo from commandline, not from within the editor, and the fps were perfect (I didn’t see what it was but I didn’t notice either)

In the editor, In the starting room, fps is around the 30s, and goes up to around 50s if I switch to unlit

wireframe is tough though, goes down to like 5

but running the demo in the Editor had smooth fps too ( I didnt notice any fps drop)

my specs

GTX 680
core i7 something or another
lots of memory


[FONT=Comic Sans MS]**Thank You Epic!**

Thank you again Epic for sharing the Elemental with us and also letting us use the particle systems, they're awesome!
