Texturing taking extremely long

Hey there :slight_smile:

I am creating an interior model with both photogrammetry and point clouds totaling about 453 cams. Alignment and reconstruction were fine in terms of time taken but when it came to texturing, the progress bar hasn’t moved for around 36 hours and it is estimating it to take another 4 whole days to complete. This estimation is also inaccurate as it seems to jump up a couple of hours every time i minimize and show progress. 

This is my UV unwrap settings

This is my third attempt at texturing as i had similar issues the previous times where the progress bar was stuck for hours at the same place but i decided to push it further this time to see if it would eventually complete.

I have also tried remeshing and texturing that output but also same issue. 

My computer specs is i9 128 ram Gforce RTX 3090.

Would really appreciate any help or insights into this. 


Hi Isaac,

            This is a known bug which should be fixed in the next release. The best workaround for the time being is to disable as many inputs as you can for texturing, it’s best to disable any images for texturing where there is another similar one, this will have the least effect on the final result. This is not a guaranteed fix but the more images you disable the better your chances of a successful texture.

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Hi Wallace,

Thanks for your reply. On that note, does the combined size of the file affect the process or is it number of images? The images for this capture were balanced and colour corrected in Lightroom so would that be the reason for this error to appear since i have never encountered it even with projects with 5x more images.

Hi Isaac,

            As you have deduced it is not in fact the volume of images, but a few bad ones, and each one increases the chance of freezing the process. Most projects do not have these “rogue” images. Unfortunately there is no pattern for finding these images. The pre-processing should not make any difference. But if you are using a layered workflow you could try changing the texturing layer to _geometry to see if you have more luck, but i don’t think it will help.

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