Texturing fails after 6 seconds due to another "Unexpected error: 0x8600001d"

Hi there

I’m trying to create the textures for a model with 597 images/cameras and a Point count of 906 440. Default texture resolution is set to 16384 x 16384 and the max number of textures to 10 000. I tried a restart but keep getting this error after exactly six seconds each time I try:

“Unexpected error: 0x8600001d. This may be related to an incorrect camera calibration. For more information, please check the users’ forum.”

I’m working on only 16 GB Ram, i7-4770 @ 3.4 GHz and a GTX 1660 Super. Maybe my machine is just too weak? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!





Your settings would create an unnecessarily large texture (way more pixels than from all of your inputs combined). Try something like this:

edit: actually it should make as many textures as it needs and no more so it should have worked. Please check the topology and integrity of the model, and clean if necessary.


Ok, thanks. It does seem to be a bit messy (first try, no idea what I`m doing, haha). Is there a good tutorial for this?


Yes this tutorial series is great https://youtu.be/DTJq1Dz0nxY

unwrap is covered in this section of part 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9QpCm-rLCk&t=175s