Hi Ondrej, thanks for getting back.
If you copy paste the link into your browser it will work. No idea why it is not clickable. I can’t seem to find an option to add images to posts unfortunately 
No unwrap settings, - as I said the geo being used is retopologized and uv’ed by hand. I’ve run some tests with various settings and types of geometry. Hopefully it’ll help to home in on what is going on.
Copy paste the images links provided below into your browser. The images are large, you might need to download the original image if you need to read the tiny numbers in RC.
Result 01 using:
low res poly geo with hand layed out UV’s, 5x16k maps and mosaic texturing. The left side shows roughly the same angle in blender wireframe mode.
So I thought, maybe I need to subdivide the geo for this to work. Below the same geo as in Result 01 after being subdivided twice. (Uv’s stayed the same)
Result 02 using
medium res poly geo with hand layed out UV’s, 5x16k maps and mosaic texturing,
Then I thought I’d give the reduced original geometry a go. Roughly 40M polys. Mosaic unwrapping 122x8k maps with mosaic texturing. The original geo is not great because the walls were white and clean and we did not have a lidar scaner available. However some areas like the floor and the back wall on the left of the image should be enough to produce better results than what I got.
Result 03 using:
high res poly, mosaic unwrapping, optimal, 122x8k maps, mosaic texturing, solid and sweet view side by side.
The most “consistent” results come with using the old texturing methods (photo consistency) But you have a lot of banding and overlay artifacts like I described in my first post. In the area shown below it is not too bad, but in other areas of the room it is completely unusable. So Basically this method also does not give a resultthat can be used withouth having to do a ton of manual retouching.
(Ignore floor and ceiling on the image below. I was only texturing the wall in this example, that’s why the rest looks so low res.)
The main point of the image in Result 04 is to show that with the same geometry (low res poly) I don’t get “cut off” or blury areas like when using mosaic texturing.
Result 04 using
low res poly geo with hand layed out UV’s, 5x16k maps and mosaic texturing
To sum it up. Mosaic shows the most clean promising results. However it seems to “refuse” to texture the entire model and makes somewhat arbitrary cut offs based on triangulation edges. (the input mesh is a quad mesh) If I could get the entire model textured with mosaic. Most likely it’ll look pretty great.
For good measure here’s a look on the low res geo with uv’s. The area in the red circle is roughly what we’re looking at in the examples.
And one of the RC project with cameras (2730 alligned). There should be more than enough images to cover texturing properly. Drone images are 25mp. Ground based camera is 61mp.
If you like I am happy to talk more about the issue. We just finished digitizing a major museum in berlin, with 2000+sqm, 16m high rooms, hundreds of objects etc. and I’ve got a bunch of glitches, feedback etc. I could share. Especially when it comes to texturing. However I can’t share this on a public forum unfortunately.