Texturing Error

Hi Forum,

I have a texturing problem. Does anyone know what went wrong?
The first picture shows the project without bounding box crop and then textured.
The second picture shows the project with bounding box (cropped) and then textured.


Hi Jonathan,

I don’t quite understand your problem.
Is the first example ok?
If not, can you send a rendering (Reconstruction/Export/Render), so that one can see it better?
If it is ok, did you alter the mesh in external software before creating the second texture?

My best guess is that without the bounding box RC can’t work with the geometry of the yellow and red objects in the foreground and therefore plasters the texture on the wrong parts of the mesh.
It might be avoided if you create a new bounding box that is as big or slightly smaller that the mesh, so that the unwanted objects are outside of it. But I’m not sure because I never had a similar issue before…

Hi Götz,

yes the first example is ok. Although I wanted to cut away the wood planks (red, yellow parts). So I used a bounding box and the filtering tool in RC to do so. All processes (registering the photos etc.) were done in reality capture. No external software was used. And yes I tried all of your propositions. It happens only after using the bounding box respectively after texturing as the next step after the cropping. If I cannot solve it I will cut away the wood planks later in geomagic. I was just wondering if that was a common problem.

I will render out some results next week so that we can discuss the issue on the basis of the renderings. Maybe I will find another way to solve it.


Hi Jonathan Banz

Its a issue of collusion, as you removed geometry then the Tx step projects all the image data on wrong place as the geometry with was removed was blocking the projection.

Hi Wishgranter,

thank you for your help. What do I have to do differently?


After applying the filter you should unwrap and texture again in that order.

Hi Jonathan Banz

Easiest is solved when you have enough overlap form other angles, so the overlaping images seeing the occluded part of the subject would overweight the obstacle from projecting to model.