The specs of computers we are working on are:
AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 5945WX 12-Cores 4.10 GHz
Nvidia A6000 RTX
512 gigs of RAM
We are working on very large scale models.
The projects in work that are getting stuck are anywhere between 6000 images to 35000-40000.
The models come to anywhere between 10 million polygons to 100 million polygons.
The Uv unwrap is somewhere between 10 textures to 20 textures at most.
It’s not consistent some projects with the same parameters finish the process without any issues,
and some get stuck at 71% specifically.
Dose anyone know what calculations happen on 71% specifically?
We have found that sometimes if you export the component and start the modeling proses for the top it dose complete the texturing proses, but again results vary and it’s not consistent.
We need help!
Thanks a lot.
Hello Daniel,
the number of polygons is quite small for such big amount of used images. Are you simplifying your models? If so, what is your process?
What unwrap settings are you using? And again, number of textures seems to be too low for such amount of the images.
I checked the texture process, and at about 70% step the texturing should be finished and after that the re-coloring should start. Can you check your texture settings and try to turn off the Recolor model after texturing option?
Also, maybe it is not necessary to use full scaled images in your case. Then you can try to check this tip: ?
Also, where are your images saved?
Hello Ondrej,
Yes the models are simplified, when the meshing process is done the models come to anywhere between 2.5B tris to 2B tris, after that we simplify them by half until we get to the desired amount of tris for our needs.
The Unwrap settings are mostly the same in all of the projects, the only thing we change is the maximal texture count and some times the unwrap method from geometric to mosaic .(I’ll add a screen shot of the basic unwarp settings we use)
I’ll try turning off the Recolor model after texturing option it is on by default.
For most of the process we put the downscale settings to 2, besides the alignment proses where we don’t downscale at all.
The images are saved locally on a 19TB ssd, so space is usually not a problem.
Dose Reality Capture have a problem with long file paths?(in windows file explorer)
Thank in advance.
Hello Daniel,
thank you for your information.
Can you try to use Fixed texel size style? Also, when you are using mosaicing method, this could take a long time for such models.
There could be some issues using too long file paths or file names.
Turning off the Recolor model after texturing worked!
The texture is a little lacking, but it could also be a problem with the texture count(relatively low amount).
What dose the Recolor model after texturing do?(in other words what is the texture missing)
And is there a recommendation on how many textures we should use?