Texturing a landscape at high res


I’m making a prototype level for a game I wish to create.

I made the textures and heightmap using World Machine, then rendered them in C4D to see what they’d look like (4k resolution below).

Quite happy with the result, I went ahead and re-rendered everything at an 8k resolution to use in Unreal.

The result in unreal, even at 8k - leaves very blurry textures on the landscape and not really suitable for play at ground level. My original intentions were using this as a base texture, then applying additional textures/materials on top of it to detail the landscape further.

Do I just need to render the textures at an even higher resolution? If so, or there’s a better way to solving this problem please let me know. Any help is appreciated.

A single Texture map on a giant landscape will always get blurry up close and you cannot get much higher in resolution anyway.

You need to start working with layered materials that repeat 1k or 2k Materials all across the landscape mesh and only use the 4K/8K base material as an alpha mask that defines where which layer is visible.

Thanks, that does make more sense…are there any recommended values or ratios for how many tiles are ideal at what resolution, to get a nice output once I’ve masked them onto the terrain?

That’s the good thing about Layered materials, you can scale each texture layer independantly by using a TexCoord node.
Depending on your Landscape Shape and UV layout, you might also want to work with Triplanar projection rather then have distorted textures e.g. on cliffs.