Textures stuck on low resolution in UE 5.4

Yes, you can also copy the latest Oodle version number in with a bulk edit. But it’s still a huge PITA :grimacing:

@UE_FlavienP I don’t know if you’re still reading this, but I can now confirm it happens with the Oodle plugin disabled. So it’s not that… :grimacing:

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Just following up here…I was having that 64x64 texture problem galore, and ever since disabling Oodle Texture plugin it hasn’t happened again. This is after a good 40 hours of dev and loading in many more models/textures. The plugin which is on by default and I have no idea what it does or why it’s needed, disabling it doesn’t seem like the right solution, so Epic may want to look into that. As of right now it just gets in the way apparently.

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Looking at the internal slack thread it seems this is fixed in 5.5 now.

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Hallelujah! :rofl:

What was the problem? ( I can’t open the page… )

Bug in the ForceRebuild

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Ah… that’s the 3 times a second blip I’ve been seeing… :smiley: :+1:

Is there any chance of getting this fix included in a 5.4.3 patch for UE 5.4?
It seems like such a huge issue that I would not consider UE 5.4 production ready without it.

If that’s not an option: what’s the best way to fix this in the 5.4. launcher version of the engine?

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No this fix is not hotfixable. They have rules on what can get into a hotfix.