Textures importing as VT when I want regular


I am using Virtual textures on my landscape and want to use texture blending on my imported materials (rocks, logs, etc) but it doesn’t seem to work if my meshes are VT. Instead of blending on a scale it basically acts as if the texturing is 0/1 (on/off). Either the material is fully blended with the landscape texture or not at all.

I have edited my Auto Virtual texturing Size to a ridiculously high number to try and avoid importing VTs:

But it doesn’t seem to work:


Manually converting the textures back to regular texture breaks the mesh somehow:


I can’t seem to figure out how to get the meshes to import as regular & I can’t figure out how to convert them successfully. Anyone have any suggestions?

In 5.2 Project settings I see this setting.
Set it to false and it shouldn’t import as VT.

Also you should be able to select the VT textures and right click.
Select Convert to regular textures

Check the TextureSample > SamplerType is set to Color in the material (or Normal for the normals).
You may need to clear the texture out of the TextureSample first to see all the SamplerTypes, then add back the texture.


THAT’S the box I missed! Thank you!

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